Sunday, December 2, 2018

What's going on in Grade 2?

Today we celebrate the beginning of Advent. Our focus for the month of December will be Christmas. We will be preparing our hearts for the coming of Jesus. Our first Advent liturgy will take place tomorrow morning at 9a.m. in the gym. Our Christmas mass will be celebrated on Wednesday morning at 10a.m. Our Language unit will focus on Christmas. We will be contininuing with descriptive writing and retelling the story of Christmas.

In Math, we are  learning to identify and describe three dimensional solids. Students are encouraged to find 3D solids around your homes and describe them. They should be able to differentiate between prisms and pyramids. For example, the refrigerator is a prism because it has two faces on either ends (squares) that are the same (or congruent). It has 12 edges and eight vertices. It is not a pyramid because a pyramid only has one base.  

In Health, we are learning about the four food groups. We are discussing healthy and non-healthy food choices and how many servings of each food group we need each day.

In Physical-Education we are learning some volleyball skills. Our next focus will be badminton. In Science we are working on an animal project. Each student chose an animal to research. They will describe what the animal looks like, its habitat and what it eats. They will include unique facts about the animals as well. They will be presenting their findings to the class.

Have a wonderful first day of December!!