Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Today in Math

We are learning the difference between prisms and pyramids.
We are also learning the names of three-dimensional solids.
Your children could practice this skill using or


Just a reminder that this Friday 
is popcorn day!!
Popcorn is $1 per bag.

Image result for popcorn cartoon

Monday, November 26, 2018


White Elephant Sale at St Rita on Friday December 7th!
Clean out your basement and closets!!!

We are excited to announce that we will be having our
7th White Elephant Sale at St Rita! All the money
raised will be going towards our Christmas Charities:
CHEO and Children at Risk (Autism).       

What is a White Elephant sale?
A White Elephant Sale is a collection of gently used items
being sold by a group of individuals, much akin to a garage
sale, but more often than not usually as a fundraiser for
various causes.

How will a White Elephant Sale look at St Rita?
We are asking that students bring in items that will then be
sold at a minimal price (25¢-$3.00). Most items will be $1.00 or less.
It is perfect that the sale is happening before Christmas so that
students may purchase presents for family members and friends.

What kind of donations can you send in?
We are looking for the following items. Please ensure that they
are in good condition:
2. Books
3. Games
4.Cds, DVDs, video games
5.Stuffed animals
6.Trinkets (picture frames, mugs, figurines, decorations, costume jewelry, scarves, holiday decor etc)
7.Special donations that may be used for a draw (gift certificates, new/large/special item, tickets etc).

Important Dates and info:
Please send in items December 5th and 6th
White Elephant Sale: December 7th
Please bring in a reusable bag on the day of the sale to store purchased items.
*All unsold items will be donated to Value Village.    

The Charities Committee

Sunday, November 25, 2018


The grade 2's had a blast at the
Dance-A-Thon on Friday!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Please return the Dance-a-Thon pledge forms by tomorrow. Thank you so much for all your support!

Also, a friendly reminder that we have our library visits every Wednesday. Please remind your children to return their books, so that they could take out new books (if they haven't done so already).

Thank you!
We are working on 2 dimensional shapes in math. Let's name the shape and describe how many sides and vertices.

Grade 2's hard at work!!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

A few updates..

We worked on descriptive writing in Language this week. We started our lesson by reading the book 'The Inuksuk'. We pulled out important facts and planned our ideas on an organzer.

We reviewed success criteria (see below) and completed our shared writing.

Success Criteria for Descriptive Writing
  • an interesting opening sentence
– introduces the topic and grabs the audience’s attention
  • the body or middle should include 3 supporting details and facts about the topic
(3 short paragraphs)
  • an interesting closing sentence – it summarizes and wraps up in a strong and catchy way

** You could include pictures in your descriptive writing
Here is our final product:

Feel free to practice these skills at home with your children. The success criteria and the example provided will be a great guide.

In Math, we are beginning our unit on Geometry.
We started identifying 2 dimensional shapes.
Next, we will begin describing shapes.
For example, a triangle has three sides and
three vertices.

2D shapes

Saturday, November 10, 2018


A big thank you to Ayden's mom (Nicky) for providing all of us with beautiful hand made poppies. The grade 2's were thrilled when they received them. Thank you  so much for taking the time to do this for our class.  It is much appreciated!!!  :0)

Friday, November 9, 2018

A message from school council:

Hello St. Rita Community!

St. Rita Council is pleased to announce that the Dance-A-Thon will be held again this year!  This event will take place at the school on November 23rd.  Classes/grades will take turns dancing in the gym throughout the day: all students participate regardless of whether they have raised funds

This year, we will be fundraising in support of Adventures in Learning, which funds special learning opportunities (Scientists in School, guest speakers, musical activities, etc.)  that the teachers arrange for our children.  The funds raised will be shared by the entire school so all of our children at St. Rita will benefit directly from this fun fundraising event!
Fundraising envelopes will be sent home today. With every $10 raised, a ticket is issued for the student for a chance to win a prize!  Those who raise over $50.00 will have tickets for every additional $10 raised added to a special draw for a few top prizes and the top fundraisers will also win a prize! As in previous years, we will again have great prizes that your child could win (every $10 raised equals a chance to win a prize)! 
We will share prize information in the coming week but will will once again have a Toys R Us gift card, and many, many more prizes!  We are also looking for prize donations: gift cards and new items that would appeal to our students are much appreciated!
                Thank you,
St. Rita School Council

Monday, November 5, 2018


Image result for subway
It is subway lunch tomorrow for those students that ordered. 

Please note that you may need to re-book interview time if it was booked for November 8.

Due to a glitch with the 'Youcanbookme' software, some appointments may have been booked for Thursday, November 8th instead of Thursday, November 15th.  Please check your confirmation email and if that is the case, you will need to rebook your interview time for November 15th.
We apologize for the any inconvenience caused by this error.
Parent Instructions: You Can Book Me

Electronic Sign Up for Parent/Teacher Interviews for Thursday Nov. 15th

St Rita Catholic School - 3:10-5:30 p.m and 6:00-7:40 p.m.

St Rita Catholic is using the interview booking program called “You Can Book Me”
to electronically book interviews this year.  Please go to our school website and on the landing page under Announcements you will find this
letter form. Click on the link beside the teacher's name and book a time that
is convenient.  Kindly book only one 10 minute time slot per teacher.  As the
interview time is only 10 minutes, the meeting is intended to take place between
the teacher and parents.  Students will have an opportunity to speak about their
learning with parents at the February Student Led Conferences.  
In order to make booking appointments with numerous teachers easier, we suggest
that you open the link for all the teachers you wish to book with and check the
availability from window to window.  
Upon submission of booking you will receive an e-mail confirmation
(with directions to cancel appointment if necessary).
E-mail confirmation might take up to 10 minutes.  
If you don’t have access to the internet, please call the office
at 613-224-6341 and we will be happy to book a time for you.
St Marks Anglican Church has asked that we NOT use their parking
lot on November 15th due to a scheduled event.  
Thanks for understanding.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. MacAulay.  
We appreciate your continued support.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Today we worked on a math patterning problem in small groups. The grade 2's discussed what pattern rule they need to follow, to come up with the next number in the pattern. The children are learning to explain their thinking to their peers.