Sunday, September 23, 2018


Image result for homework
Dear Parents,

On Monday your child will be receiving their “Homework Book!”
It will include the following information. Please sign the
bottom of the page, which you will find in thr front of
the homework duotang.

The class and I completed the first week's homework so everyone
would know what to expect and what to do when the next homework
package came home. The homework is sent home every Monday
and is to be completed and returned to school every Friday.  
In the event of a holiday, the packages are due back by Thursday.  

The Spelling Homework will follow the same pattern each week and
will be completed in the notebook provided. At times, I will also include
various reading/writing activities.

Each week your will be expected to do the following for each lesson in spelling:

1. Each new lesson should be on a new page. Please include the title (e.g., Lesson 2).

2. Print all the word wall words in your neatest printing.

3. Chant and clap your words. Write the number of syllables beside each word.

4. Put the word wall words in alphabetical order (use letter strip provided to help you if necessary).

5. Use each word in an interesting sentence. I would like you to use different kinds of sentences.

  • tell me something / make a statement and use a period (.)
  • ask a question and use a question mark (?)
  • use expression in your sentence and use an exclamation mark (!)

Your child is expected to practice the words throughout the week to help prepare for their spelling quiz each Friday.

The math pages will always change depending on the math strand that was taught the week prior.  This is done for two reasons.  First, it lets you see what aspect of math your child has learned about and, second, it gives you and I an indication of whether your child understood the concept that was taught the week before.

Please let me know if you have any questions once your child brings home his/her homework.