This coming Friday, February 8th is the 100th day of school.
Sweater Day
We will be celebrating National Sweater Day on Thursday, February 7th.
Wear your warmest sweater as we will be turning down the heat to conserve energy!!
Term 1 Report Cards
Report Cards will be going home on Wednesday, February 13th.
Friday, February 15th is a PD day and Monday, February 18th is
Family day -- Enjoy your day off!!
Sacramental News
Please note the following dates for sacramental preparation:
First Eucharist/Reconciliation
2nd session - Wednesday, Feb 13th - 6:30 pm
3rd session - Wednesday, Mar 20th - 6:30 pm
4th session - Wednesday, April 10th - 6:30 pm
First Confession - Thursday, February 28th at 6:30 pm
Counting money up to $1.00
Outdoor Winter Fun!