Saturday, September 29, 2018

September was a busy month. Check out some of the things we learned.....

In Language, we worked on predicting. We are making predictions before we begin to read. As a class, we took the time to look at the cover of 'The Three Little Pigs" picture book, read the title and discussed the pictures while doing a picture walk of the story. Once we finished reading the story, we worked on a shared retell. We made sure to retell the story in sequence.

Feel free to use these strategies at home when reading with your children! Also, I recently sent home your childrens password and login for RAZ KIDS. Feel free to have your kids practice their reading online. 

Image result for the three little pigs

In Math, we have been working on representing numbers. We are starting to work on comparing (e.g., least to greatest, greatest to least, > and < )  and ordering numbers to 100.

Can you place these numbers from greatest to least?

In Religion, we are working through Samaritans on the Digital  Road. This resource is built upon the shoulders of Jesus' parable about The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). We will explore the meaning of a verse as it relates to being an online citizen while completing five lessons created specifically to address the challenges found at the grade 2 level.

We discussed what it meant to be a good citizen. Please ask your children what they are doing to show that they are good citizens.

We took the time to retell the story of The Good Samaritan in sequence.