Saturday, September 29, 2018


  • Monday, October 1st is our annual Terry Fox walk. Please ensure your children come dressed appropriately as we will be walking outdoors during first block. 

  • A big thank you to ALL VOLUNTEERS for our TERRY FOX WALK. If you are volunteering on Monday, please sign in at the office at 8:45am and then meet us in the school yard for further instructions. 

  • The first initial information meeting for First Communion  will be held on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:30pm. You are asked to register your child at this time. A reminder to bring along a copy of your child's baptism certificate. During this meeting, you will be given an overview of  the year.  

September was a busy month. Check out some of the things we learned.....

In Language, we worked on predicting. We are making predictions before we begin to read. As a class, we took the time to look at the cover of 'The Three Little Pigs" picture book, read the title and discussed the pictures while doing a picture walk of the story. Once we finished reading the story, we worked on a shared retell. We made sure to retell the story in sequence.

Feel free to use these strategies at home when reading with your children! Also, I recently sent home your childrens password and login for RAZ KIDS. Feel free to have your kids practice their reading online. 

Image result for the three little pigs

In Math, we have been working on representing numbers. We are starting to work on comparing (e.g., least to greatest, greatest to least, > and < )  and ordering numbers to 100.

Can you place these numbers from greatest to least?

In Religion, we are working through Samaritans on the Digital  Road. This resource is built upon the shoulders of Jesus' parable about The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). We will explore the meaning of a verse as it relates to being an online citizen while completing five lessons created specifically to address the challenges found at the grade 2 level.

We discussed what it meant to be a good citizen. Please ask your children what they are doing to show that they are good citizens.

We took the time to retell the story of The Good Samaritan in sequence.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

REMINDER: Note from Father Scott - First Communion Information Night -

Dear Parents,
This note was sent home with the children last week. Just a reminder that the first information meeting for children celebrating their first Communion in the Spring is on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:30pm in the parish hall at St. Augustine Church.

Terry Fox Walk on Monday, October 1st

Dear Parents, 
You will be receiving this Terry Fox note this evening. I have placed a copy in  your child's agenda. Please fill it out and return it as soon as possible if you are interested in volunteering on Monday.
Thank you so much for all of your support!

Learning about different types of animals during our science block!

Sunday, September 23, 2018


Image result for homework
Dear Parents,

On Monday your child will be receiving their “Homework Book!”
It will include the following information. Please sign the
bottom of the page, which you will find in thr front of
the homework duotang.

The class and I completed the first week's homework so everyone
would know what to expect and what to do when the next homework
package came home. The homework is sent home every Monday
and is to be completed and returned to school every Friday.  
In the event of a holiday, the packages are due back by Thursday.  

The Spelling Homework will follow the same pattern each week and
will be completed in the notebook provided. At times, I will also include
various reading/writing activities.

Each week your will be expected to do the following for each lesson in spelling:

1. Each new lesson should be on a new page. Please include the title (e.g., Lesson 2).

2. Print all the word wall words in your neatest printing.

3. Chant and clap your words. Write the number of syllables beside each word.

4. Put the word wall words in alphabetical order (use letter strip provided to help you if necessary).

5. Use each word in an interesting sentence. I would like you to use different kinds of sentences.

  • tell me something / make a statement and use a period (.)
  • ask a question and use a question mark (?)
  • use expression in your sentence and use an exclamation mark (!)

Your child is expected to practice the words throughout the week to help prepare for their spelling quiz each Friday.

The math pages will always change depending on the math strand that was taught the week prior.  This is done for two reasons.  First, it lets you see what aspect of math your child has learned about and, second, it gives you and I an indication of whether your child understood the concept that was taught the week before.

Please let me know if you have any questions once your child brings home his/her homework.


Dear Parents/Guardians,

St. Rita School will once again be supporting the
Debra Dynes Family House in our annual
Thanksgiving Food Drive. This organization provides
a wide range of services and programs that are community
driven to meet emergency and ongoing needs in our neighbourhood.  
It is our goal to learn more about global hunger but to act locally
within our own community. If you would like to participate in our
food drive, please send any non-perishable food items to the school
with your child by Thursday, October 4th, 2018.

Suggestions for donated items include:  

canned tuna/meat, peanut butter, canned

vegetables, pasta, cereal, crackers, soup and

powdered milk. This activity will be meaningful for

your child if he or she can participate in the selection or

purchasing of the food.  

Please check the expiry date before sending food items to school.

Thank you for supporting this school wide initiative.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Today we discussed what it means to be a good citizen. We talked about different examples of how Jesus modelled good citizenship. Students had the opportunity to watch and discuss 'The Good Samaritan' (Luke10:25-37).

Monday, September 17, 2018


Just a friendly reminder to anyone wanting to volunteer at St. Rita or any school events. 

Please be advised that Beginning September 2018, volunteers working with students in the OCSB must complete a vulnerable sector check. This includes parents and other volunteers taking part in field trips, those working with students in schools and those volunteering at events.

Ottawa Police Service has asked us to encourage our volunteers to apply on-line at

Thank you so much for your continued support!!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Learning about place value in Math

How many tens?  How many ones? 

What number does that make?

Having fun with playdough and letter tiles....we are practicing our word wall words for the week during DAILY FIVE!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

We look forward to seeing everyone at 6p.m. at Program Night.  Students are welcome to participate in the school activities. See you all this evening!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Please join us for the annual St Rita Program Night on Wednesday, September 12th starting at 6:00 pm.  We will gather in the gym for the first part of the evening and then you will have an opportunity to visit different areas of the school.
The St Rita School Council will also be conducting elections that night starting at 7:30 pm in the Learning Commons.  Participating in School Council is a great way to be a part of your child's education.  All are welcome!
We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday night!!

Monday, September 10, 2018

St. Rita Catholic School Agendas 
Are Now Available on Cash Online

Start date to order: Saturday, September 1
Last day to order: Sunday, September 23

Click on this link to order online :
** New registrations, please click on the same link to register before you order.
Thank you.


Just a reminder that this Wednesday, September 12th from 6pm - 7:30pm is program night at St. Rita. We will begin our evening in the gym.

Looking forward to seeing all of you!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Our second day in grade 2.....

Working on counting to 100. 

Where does the number 61 fit in on the 100 hundreds chart?  

Check out my 'ALL ABOUT ME' T-shirt!!

Tell me a little bit about yourself. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

St. Rita Catholic School Agendas 
Are Now Available on Cash Online

Start date to order: Saturday, September 1
Last day to order: Sunday, September 23

Click on this link to order online:

** New registrations, please click on the same link to register before you order.

Thank you.  If you require any assistance, please contact the school at 613-224-6341

September Newsletter

Grade 2

                  Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to another school year!  My name is Rosetta Vena
and I am very excited to welcome your child to grade 2 at
St. Rita School. The grade 2 French program will be taught
by Marie Claire Tchinkou-Sibafeu.

I am looking forward to getting to know your child during
this time. I look forward to working with you to develop activities
that will best suit your child’s needs. My personal objectives are
to create a welcoming atmosphere for your child to feel safe,
so that he/she may grow as an individual, continue to gain
self –confidence and develop a love for learning.

Today your child received an agenda ($10 fee). Please take the
time to read the opening pages of the agenda to inform you of
the school wide policies and procedures that are in place at
St. Rita. That is your only homework for the evening.   
It is very important to keep lines of communication open.
I welcome you to add notes or concerns in the agenda.
I will check and initial agenda’s on a daily basis.

  • Please check out our classroom blog. You could access our class blog from our school website by simply clicking on my name. I encourage you to visit the site to check out the interesting things your child is discovering each day.

  • Please remember to check any packages to ensure that there are no traces of nuts in foods being sent to school.

  • Please label any of your child’s clothing that is removable and has the possibility of getting lost.

  • Your child will require a pair of indoor shoes that will remain at school.  

  • The school will be providing the students with materials required for class. Feel free to provide your child  with a pencil case with pencils, a sharpener, scissors and pencil crayons if they wish.

  • Please send a pair of head/earphones to school for your child. Students will require them when using the chromebooks. I will label them and place them in a ziploc bag for the year.

  • If possible, a box of Kleenex and a box of large ziploc bags would be greatly appreciated.

  • Verification form and other forms will to be sent home first day of school. Please return them by September 21st.

  • Please register on for Cash Online (if you haven’t done so already). School Cash Online is an easy and safe way to make payments to the school. Please see note below with link to Cash Online.

To ensure you receive immediate email notifications about upcoming activities taking place in your child(ren)’s classroom i.e. agendas,  field trips, fundraisers, food day, spirit wear, please register on Cash Online
Register using the following link:

Please mark Wednesday, September 12th at 6pm on your calendars. This is Program Night at St. Rita’s. I am looking forward to meeting all of you.

I look forward to getting to know you and your child this year. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at the school at
(613) 224-6341.

Your partner in education,                               
Rosetta Vena

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