We are also learning the names of three-dimensional solids.
Your children could practice this skill using
www.ixlmath.com or www.iknowit.com.
Hello St. Rita Community!
St. Rita Council is pleased to announce that the Dance-A-Thon will be held again this year! This event will take place at the school on November 23rd. Classes/grades will take turns dancing in the gym throughout the day: all students participate regardless of whether they have raised funds.
This year, we will be fundraising in support of Adventures in Learning, which funds special learning opportunities (Scientists in School, guest speakers, musical activities, etc.) that the teachers arrange for our children. The funds raised will be shared by the entire school so all of our children at St. Rita will benefit directly from this fun fundraising event!Fundraising envelopes will be sent home today. With every $10 raised, a ticket is issued for the student for a chance to win a prize! Those who raise over $50.00 will have tickets for every additional $10 raised added to a special draw for a few top prizes and the top fundraisers will also win a prize! As in previous years, we will again have great prizes that your child could win (every $10 raised equals a chance to win a prize)!
We will share prize information in the coming week but will will once again have a Toys R Us gift card, and many, many more prizes! We are also looking for prize donations: gift cards and new items that would appeal to our students are much appreciated!
St. Rita School Council